Agony Wiki

By being a part of the community and editing articles, you must agree and understand the following rules below. Failure to abide these rules will result in warnings and then later progressing bans.

  • Vandalism is a ZERO percent tolerable action on articles. It will be reverted as fast as possible and will lead the responsible user to a permanent ban.
  • Remain civilized in the community. Anyone caught harassing, personal-attacking, or having such suspicious behavior will receive a warning. If continued, a block would not be hesitated.
  • The Agony game series are recommended for adults, however when uploading gameplay screenshots, please ensure not to have them include a huge amount of explicit content, like genitalia close-up, sex/orgy scenes, etc. These are considered under violations of the Wikia's Terms of Use.
  • While profanity is permitted, any slurs clearly considered as racist, sexist, homophobic, or anything offensive directly used as an insult towards users are not tolerated.
  • Making countless frivolous edits in one or more pages for the sake of gaining badges is considered as badge-farming. Whoever does so will be blocked depending how long farming badges is, even after a warning.
  • Anything that were directly not confirmed in the games or by the Madmind Studio developers without external sources should be kept out of the articles permanently. Thus, speculations should be shared/discussed in either blog posts or discussions instead.
  • As stated from the Wiki FANDOM's Terms of Uses and Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA) outlined in 15 U.S. Code §§ 6501-6506, users are legally required to be at the age of 13 or older to use the Wiki FANDOM. We also advise contributors to the Agony Wiki to be at least 17 or 18 years old to partake in it, for the sake of voluntary compliance to the Entertainment Software Rating Board and Pan-European Game Information's ratings. It is your full responsibility to enter compliance with your region's obligations, for example, but not limited to the United Kingdom, where the PEGI's ratings are legally binding and enforceable.